As a follow-up to the series of stakeholder dialogues “Higher Education in times of collapse”, the HOPES-LEB project together with the National Erasmus+ Office of Lebanon organised a follow-up meeting on Tuesday June 21, 2022 at the Gefinor Rotana Hotel, Beirut.
The purpose of this gathering was to follow-up on the series of stakeholder dialogues and meetings, launched in January 2022 and organised on a national level, bringing together professionals and academics, representatives of institutions and organisations as well as students, to further discuss the current situation in the higher education sector in Lebanon and its impact on students and education providers with the aim to set up a drafting committee for the establishment of recommendations addressed to relevant national and international stakeholders to secure that the necessary help is provided for the Lebanese higher education system.
Following welcoming remarks , the first session entitled “Higher Education in times of collapse”: A closer look back included a presentation of the main findings of the three stakeholder dialogues highlighting
- The perspective of higher and further education institutions
- The perspective of project implementers and organisations
- The perspective of students
The second session included reflection on the findings, priorities and recommendations to design or improve future response mechanisms and interventions and the identification of potential measures for the establishment of a drafting committee and initial roadmap for joint policy recommendations.