Priority Area: Access to the labour market
Objectives: The INJAZ Bridges of Opportunitiesproject aims to boost youth economic and social wellbeing by improving the employability and employment prospects of fresh graduates and connecting them with work related experiences, mentorship, internships and jobs specifically in multinational companies.
- Enhancing youth employability by providing young graduates with the work experience required by the labour market more specifically with remote working experience that has arisen as a result of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Providing youth with digital solutions that aim to enhance their digital learning experience and provide them with opportunities to interact with peers in engaging activities that reflect on their mental and social wellbeing.
- Creating partnerships with the private sector and educational institutions to boost the quality and delivery of online and distancelearning.
- Connecting youth with work related opportunities and potential regional employers in the private sector through a virtual exchange platform.
Target group: 400 Lebanese and refugees from Syria university students and graduates aged 20 to 30 years old.
Project Location: Across Lebanon
Planned Activities:
Through Bridges of Opportunities, students will participate in a one-year sequential program composed of several INJAZ programs that are designed to enhance their entrepreneurial and workforce readiness skills, provide awareness about available work opportunities in Lebanon and abroad, and guide them on the path to further learning and career success.
- Mapping of remote formal job market available for youth in the private sector
- Digital training delivery to 400 youth covering Entrepreneurial Mindset, Resume Writing, Job Interviews, Financial Literacy, Business Ethics, Leadership Skills & Access to Jobs
- Digital trainings on use of self-paced remote learning and remote work solutions
- Mentorship support for 200 selected students
- INJAZ MENA Regional Virtual Job Fair bringing together young job seekers from the MENA region & and prospective employers from the private sector and other fields
- Remote regional virtual internship placement for 20 selected students
Partnerships with academic institutions, career consultants, and a number of local and regional corporations and organizations will be sought to provide a holistic approach that introduces students to professionals in the academic and business world who can support them as volunteers, mentors, employers or partners.
INJAZ Lebanon is a non-profit organization, member of JA Worldwide and INJAZ Al-Arab, that started in 2001 and aims to educate and prepare Lebanon’s youth to become qualified professionals and successful entrepreneurs in a growing economy.
INJAZ actively engages the business community through its volunteer-based model that allows corporate volunteers to share their experiences by delivering hands-on training programs that focus on Entrepreneurship, Work Readiness, and Financial Literacy.