Priority Area:
- Completion of Higher and Further Education
- Access to the labour market
Objectives: The project targets vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee youth aged between 18 and 25 years’ old who completed grade nine schooling and are living in Beirut’s poverty pockets with the main objective of enhancing their chance for a better future and financial independency.
The project seeks to:
- Improving livelihood prospects of the target beneficiaries by decreasing drop-out rates and unemployment through individual development and facilitated the transition to labour market.
- Increasing community engagement and participation
- Enhancing individual skills of the beneficiaries
- Offering beneficiaries access to the labour market
- Increasing accountability and good performance through institutional capacity building of the College of Nursing
- Developing human resources competencies at Makassed School of Nursing
- Updating curricula of the offered nursing courses
Target group:
- Vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee youth aged between 18 and 25 years’ old who completed grade nine schooling and are living in Beirut’s poverty pockets
- Community leaders and key stakeholders such as mayors and school principals in the targeted areas
Project Location: Beirut, Lebanon

Planned Activities:
- Training of 15 instructors on Safe identification and basic Psychological First Aid and Referrals, gender-based violence, trauma management, and social inclusion.
- Curriculum development and update of the nursing courses and clinical lab skills to meet the new international standards
- Launching of the training programme and outreach awareness raising campaigns including outreach to beneficiaries, community leaders and localities
- Vocational Training Courses with 30 youths on Emergency Respiratory Therapy Technician and Medical Assistant Program
- On-the-Job Training for 30 beneficiaries
- Establishing an internal e-career center
- Development of a documentary video to celebrate the graduate youths
Established in 1878, Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association of Beirut is a humanitarian association which provides services within three main sectors: Education, health and social affairs.
Makassed runs over twenty schools, a University with two faculties, a General Hospital, five primary healthcare clinics and mobile units that cater annually to over 100,000 individuals across Lebanese cities and villages, without any discrimination based on gender, national origin or religion.