NATIONAL STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE IN JORDAN ‘HE and the Syria Crisis: A look back and a view towards the future’
On Wednesday 2 October 2019, the HOPES project funded by the European Union’s Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘Madad Fund’ and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the British Council, Campus France and Nuffic, organised its fourth National Stakeholders Dialogue, entitled ‘Higher Education and the Syria Crisis: A look back and a view towards the future’ at the Gerasa Hotel in Amman, Jordan.
This gathering is part of the fourth and final series of National Stakeholders Dialogues organised on a national level, bringing together representatives from ministries, higher education institutions, and other key institutional stakeholders as well as students to take stock and evaluate engagements and achievements in this sector and to explore further approaches and imminent priorities based on the needs of all the involved stakeholders.
The National Stakeholders Dialogues provide a platform for discussion and information exchange on higher education and the Syria crisis, to strengthen coordination on a national level and explore new approaches benefitting all stakeholders.
Welcome notes were given by Dr. Abdel Nasser Hindawi, HOPES deputy director and Scholarship and Counselling who presented the latest achievements of HOPES on a regional and national level throughout the past three years and highlighted the added value of the collaborations with all the stakeholders in achieving the project’s objectives. The dialogue included reflections on the major developments and achievements on a national level in the higher education sector related to the Syria Crisis. The gathering also allowed deepening the reflection on lessons learned and recommendations to improve response mechanisms and interventions in the future.