Ahmad Shaklab

Ain Shams University
Architecture- Engineering Science
Syrian living in Egypt

Ahmad, 29 years old, from Syria living in Egypt since 2014. Master’s in Engineering Science with the support of a HOPES scholarship funded by the EU through the ‘EU Madad Fund’ at Ain Shams University

“I was born in the Emirates to middle-class Syrian parents. My father was a civil servant at the Emirati Ministry of Finance, and my mother was an English teacher at Abu Dhabi secondary school. When I was in grade 9, my family moved back to Syria where I would complete studies and join the Government University in Homs. After five years of little sleep and hard work, I obtained my Diploma in Architecture. However, when the situation worsened in my country because of the turmoil and war, I was forced to flee to Egypt where I pursued my Master’s studies at Ain Shams University. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a Master’s degree in Engineering Science, Specialization in Housing with a research on Reconstruction. I chose this study field to help rebuild my country when the war ends. I participated in the first Arab congress for restoration and reconstruction. I have a 4-year professional experience in architectural design and architectural executive drawings. I am a holder of three certificates in computer software in architectural design. I have great faith in life and hope. My achievements are my willpower, my hope and serious hard work, and most importantly, not giving up and refusing to play the victim. My ambition is to pursue my academic studies if I ever have the chance to, in lean and sustainable urban reconstruction and planning, a relatively modern scientific field with almost no references in Arabic language. Also, I want to return to my country to contribute to its revival and reconstruction after the war HOPES project has given me hope and its personnel has offered great help. Moreover, the project has financed my university studies and given me a monthly allowance. HOPES project is always celebrating its students’ achievements. My message to other students facing the same difficulties is to not give up. Life goes on regardless. However, it’s up to you to make it better for you and the ones you love. Choose to have hope, to be persistent, to overcome challenges and to outdo yourself. There is no bigger loss than living a life with no memories to be proud of. Our path could be much more difficult than that of our predecessors or successors, but generations that experience difficulties are the ones that draw the future. Choose resistance.”

By Ahmad Shaklab